Fast vCIO software, QBR automation, beautiful client portal & asset lifecycle with warranty updating powered by Arya AI

Strategy Overview is a vCIO/QBR automation software that, standardizes your stack, updates your asset warranties and gives your clients direct access to a fully white labeled portal to manage their digital transformation strategy, plan, asset list, managed user list, tickets, Office 365 licenses, billing & more powered by Arya the world's first vCIO agent

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Meet Arya, the world’s first vCIO Agent

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Comprehensive and powerful vCIO software

Create a digital transformation plan and manage clients strategically

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vCIO/QBR Strategy

Your dream QBR with assessments, executive summaries, dashboards, roadmap, budgets and anything you can imagine

Client Portal

Fully white labeled client portal to see strategy, roadmap, budgets, health scores, users list, assets, tickets and more

Asset Lifecycle Management

Clean asset lists with the ability to grade, budget and enrich data with our warranty updating integration

Office 365 & Microsoft Reporting

A comprehensive suite of productivity tools designed to empower individuals and organizations to achieve more.

The impact of Strategy Overview

Save on vCIO hours

Reduce QBR meeting preparation from 3 hours to 15 minutes per client per quarter.

Get control on security

Get a handle on the total security landscape in your managed networks at client onboarding.

Standardize your stack

Make your support more efficient and your clients happier with a standardized stack.

Streamline approvals

Position critical projects ahead of time on a roadmap and reduce wasted sales engineering by creating proposals at the perfect time.

Client Success

By becoming a strategy leader for your clients and creating a digital transformation plan you will help your clients achieve their business goals and thrive.

Plan Anything

Strategy Overview’s powerful template engine can be used to revolutionize many aspects of your business and life, not just your QBRs.

Reduce liability

By regularly conducting thorough evaluations of companies, you can decrease the potential legal risks for both your MSP and your clients.

Standardize QBRs

Use our template engine to create a consistent and repeatable QBR that scales as your business grows across all clients.