Terms of Service
The following terms and conditions govern all use of Strategy Overview Software-as-a-Service products. By accessing any part of the Service, you agree to become bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms or are not authorized to enter into contracts at your organization you may not use this service.
The term of this Agreement begins on the date your account is activated and continues until either party terminates the account.
Your Account
You are responsible for all content in your account.
You may not use your account in any unlawful manner. We reserve the right to suspend, restrict or terminate your account if we suspect any form of fraudulent or malicious activity.
You must be 18 years or older to use this account.
Billing Information
A valid credit card is required for any paid account. Your credit card will be charged monthly in US Dollars (USD) at or around the same day of the month you registered.
If your credit card fails and you do not pay for 2 billing cycles we will automatically convert your account to free and you will lose access to all paid features. Paid features will be reinstated when the subscription is re-enabled.
Upgrading to an account above free will bill you a prorated amount for the remainder of the month and will start to bill you the new amount on your account renewal date.
Strategy Overview does not provide refunds for any services. If you would like to cancel, please email [email protected] and your account billing will be downgraded to free before the next billing cycle.
All fees are exclusive of all taxes, levis, or duties imposed by taxing authorities. By using this service you agree to be responsible for all such taxes except in New York State where Strategy Overview has a legal nexus and tax are handled by Strategy Overview.
All credit card transactions are processed by Stripe www.stripe.com in full compliance with PCI.
Free Accounts
Free accounts are intended as a trial and may be deactivated and purged after 1+ year of no activity.
You can downgrade your account to free at any point by clicking on “Account” while logged in or emailing [email protected].
Right to be Forgotten
If you wish to have your entire account deleted please email [email protected].
All code and logos are copyright © Strategy Overview LLC. You may not duplicate, copy, or reuse any portion of the service without express written permission from Strategy Overview.
White labeling / Branding
You confirm that all custom logos / favicons / login pictures you setup belongs to you or you have permission to use them
Data Ownership
All data you put into the system is owned by you. You can export all reports and templates at any time.
For support please email [email protected] or use the Intercom support widget in the bottom right of the website.
Security is extremely important at Strategy Overview. We use enterprise grade security systems and industry recognized best practices to protect your data.
Changes to Service, Pricing and Billing
Strategy Overview reserves the right to modify or discontinue the service with or without notice.
Strategy Overview reserves the right to change any prices or billing methods subject to 30 days notice.
Free Accounts Terms
Accounts on the free plan that are inactive for many months may periodically be removed and archived during database cleanups.
Changes to this Agreement
From time to time we may update this agreement. Maintaining an account confirms your acceptance of this agreement.
Service Availability
Strategy Overview makes every effort to ensure the service is available at all times. However, there may be occasional periods of downtime necessary to perform essential system upgrade and maintenance. There may also be unforeseen downtime events beyond our control. We take reasonable measures to resolve any outages as soon as possible.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Strategy Overview is provided “as is”. We do not warranty that the service will be error free and that access is uninterrupted.
Limitation of liability
In no event will Strategy Overview be liable for any damages that exceed the fees paid by you to Strategy Overview over a period of 3 months.
You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Strategy Overview, its contractors, and its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of your use of the Service, including but not limited to your violation of this Agreement.
Strategy Overview believes in plain language law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plain_language. If any of these terms are unclear or missing please email [email protected].